54 Extraordinary Kodachrome Slides That Reveal Everyday Life of the U.S From the 1940s


Charles Weever Cushman (1896-1972) is an amateur photographer and Indiana University alumnus, bequeathed approximately 14,500 Kodachrome color slides to his alma mater. His photographs bridge a thirty-two year span from 1938 to 1969, during which time he extensively documented the United States as well as other countries.

We selected some from his collection to reveal daily life of the US during the 1940s. Take a look...

Stores near corner of Broome St. and Baruch Place, Lower East Side, NYC, Sep. 27, 1941


Tucson on Saturday afternoon, Arizona, Feb. 1940


Bull and whiskered leader Loudoun co., Virginia, September 1940


Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, Jun. 1940


Lagoon and Orange, San Francisco Fair Flowers, California, June 1940


Little girls at Mammoth, Arizona, May 1940

Rodeo parade, Tucson, Arizona, Feb. 23, 1940


Proud grandpa watches solo rope skip, New Harmony, Indiana, Apr. 16, 1941


Girls stroll along lake shore Chicago, Illinois, July 20, 1941


Hyde Park schoolgirls at Promontory, Chicago, Illinois, June 27, 1941


 Jewish residents of lower Clinton St., NYC, Sep. 27, 1941


Looking up Fulton St. from South St., New York City, Sep. 27, 1941


 Looking up into Financial District from South Ferry, Wall Street, NYC, Jun. 6, 1941


Moppet poses after getting pennies, Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 2, 1941


 Street in Negro section, Vieux Carre, New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 5, 1941


The Flying Concellos hang out their wash at the 1941 Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus in Chicago, Illinois,
Aug. 2, 1941


 The old Fulton Market Manhattan's Lower East Side on Saturday afternoon, Sep. 27, 1941


 Three bums from South Ferry flophouses at Battery Park, NYC, Jun. 6, 1941


 TWA Stratoliner refuels at Chicago airport Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 10, 1941


View up Royal St. in the morning, New Orleans. New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 5, 1941


Yoked cattle pull an Ala. Negro's farm wagon, Eutaw, Alabama, Nov. 1, 1941


 A busy corner of Pearl St. at noon, NYC, Oct. 7, 1942


 A corner on west Canal St., NYC, Oct. 4, 1942


 A street in New York's Chinatown, Sidewalk along Chinese store fronts, NYC, Oct. 7, 1942


Collecting the salvage on lower East Side, NYC, Oct. 4, 1942


 Crowd gathers during Salvage collection in lower East Side, NYC, Oct. 4, 1942


Hot sweet potatoes on Sidewalk store, NYC, Oct. 4, 1942


Polish-American parade west bound on Augusta Blvd., Chicago, Illinois, May 3, 1942


 Portable soft drink stand at Bowling Green, NYC, Oct. 1, 1942


 Poverty, young and old, black and white, Lower East Side, NYC, Oct. 4, 1942


S.O. Building seen from Battery Park, NYC, Oct. 1, 1942


Statue of de Peyster, Bowling Green, NYC, Oct. 1, 1942


 Two views looking up a street of many races, lower Manhattan, NYC, Oct. 3, 1942


Two views looking up a street of many races, lower Manhattan, NYC, Oct. 3, 1942


Up 4th Ave. from Astor Place, Cooper Union at right, NYC, Oct. 7, 1942


 West side of Broadway from Bowling Green, NYC, Oct. 1, 1942


White horses draw white coach at Bowling Green on Broadway Street, NYC, Oct. 1, 1942


Couple in garden of Wooded Island, Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 1944


 North State St., Pure Oil Building in backyard, Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 1944


1905 Cadillac and early Oldsmobile at Rosenwald Museum, Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 15, 1945


 An early model Cadillac is groomed for 50th anniversary of auto-race, Chicago, Illinois, Sep. 11, 1945


Old and new tow-boats at Mt. Vernon wharf, Mt. Vernon, Indiana, Oct. 12, 1945


Mother and daughter feed ducks, Jackson Park Lagoon, Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 15, 1946


University Club from Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 30, 1946


 Liliput Float Circus, Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 2, 1947


Tractor and Combine for Soybeans Hagerman farm West of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, Oct. 11, 1947


High water blocks Indiana Hwy 69 near Greathouse school, Point Township, Posey County, Indiana, April 23, 1948


 Wrigley Building seen from Michigan and Water, Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 17, 1948


Confectionary cart at Lexington & Dekalb, Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 28, 1949


Cows near Bordick, Indiana, Jun. 24, 1949


Food and drink store at 1000 Maxwell St., Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 1, 1949


Main St. of old town Shawneetown, Illinois, May 16, 1949


Negro store building at 244 Esat 35th St., Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 12, 1949


Popcorn wagon at Hoyne and Adams, Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 29, 1949


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